Jar Tickets

These popular Jar Ticket Games feature a range of ticket counts, payouts, and profits. Choose from Chickendales Jar Tickets, Pig Pen Jar Tickets, and many other Jar Ticket Games.

Note: Information in the following charts applies to individual Jar Ticket Deals.

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Circus Circus FORM# C1F
TICKETS 4000 4/$1.00 $1000.00
Total Payout $776.00
Ideal Profit $224.00
Payout % 77.6%
Profit % 22.4%
4 Winners @$60.00 $240.00
4 Winners @$20.00 $80.00
8 Winners @$10.00 $80.00
12 Winners @$4.00 $48.00
36 Winners @$2.00 $72.00
96 Winners @$1.00 $96.00
160 Winners @$1.00 $160.00
Sale Price: $27.65/Deal $269.00/Case
10 Deals per Case


Chickendales FORM# 6720CD4F
***** SUPER SALE *****
TICKETS 6720 4/$1.00 $1680.00
28 Instant Winners @$50.00 $1250.00
25 Instant Winners @$5.00 $125.00
Total Payout $1375.00
Ideal Profit $305.00
Payout % 81.8%
Profit % 18.2%
1 Winner @$150.00 $150.00
2 Winners @$100.00 $200.00
1 Winners @$65.00 $65.00
4 Winners @$50.00 $200.00
6 Winners @$50.00 $300.00
7 Winners @$50.00 $350.00
1 Winner @$15.00 $15.00
1 Winner @$10.00 $10.00
5 Winners @$5.00 $25.00
5 Winners @$5.00 $25.00
7 Winners @$5.00 $35.00
***SUPER SALE***: $29.20/Deal
Was $56.50.  Save 48%!
$336.00 per Case of 12 Deals


Burrito Bandito FORM# 7140BB3F
***** SUPER SALE *****
TICKETS 7140 3/$1.00 $2380.00
4 Burrito Bandito @$100.00 $400.00
18 Pepper @$50.00 $900.00
200 Cactus @$2.00 $400.00
50 Margarita @$2.00 $100.00
50 Taco @$1.00 $50.00
Ideal Payout $1850.00
Ideal Profit $530.00
Payout % 77.7%
Profit % 22.3%
1 Winner @$250.00 $250.00
1 Winner @$200.00 $200.00
1 Winner @$150.00 $150.00
2 Winners @$100.00 $200.00
10 Winners @$50.00 $500.00
30 Winners @$4.00 $120.00
170 Winners @$2.00 $340.00
20 Winners @$2.00 $40.00
50 Winners @$1.00 $50.00
***SUPER SALE***: $34.19/Deal
Was $61.50.  Save 44%!
$405.00 per Case of 12 Deals


Foul Fowls FORM# 9240FWL3F2
TICKETS 9240 3/$1.00 $3080.00
10 Smokin' Toucan @$100.00 $1000.00
10 Woodpecker w/Gun @$50.00 $500.00
15 Red 00 @$35.00 $525.00
10 Smokin' Parrot @$20.00 $200.00
40 Purple Eagle @$5.00 $200.00
Ideal Payout $2425.00
Ideal Profit $655.00
Payout % 78.7%
Profit % 21.3%
1 Winner @$350.00 $350.00
1 Winner @$200.00 $200.00
1 Winner @$150.00 $150.00
4 Winners @$100.00 $400.00
8 Winners @$50.00 $400.00
15 Winners @$35.00 $525.00
10 Winners @$20.00 $200.00
40 Winners @$5.00 $200.00
$86.90 per Deal
$809.00 per Case of 10 Deals


Pig Pen FORM# PP1001A
TICKETS 8640 3/$1.00 $2880.00
10 Pigs @$100.00 $1000.00
12 White 55 @$50.00 $600.00
24 Blue 11,22,33,44 @$10.00 $240.00
240 Red O @$2.00 $480.00
Ideal Payout $2320.00
Ideal Profit $560.00
Payout % 80.6%
Profit % 19.4%
$80.59 per Deal
$906.60 per Case of 12 Deals

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